About Dance Well

Dance Well, our three-year creative dance programme that launched in 2022, aims to develop a collaborative and cross-disciplinary approach and foster a non-labelling platform for artistic expression at arts spaces. With a focus on promoting psycho-physical wellbeing through body movement, the programme also aims to complement with conventional rehabilitation to creatively address the symptom-specific concerns of people with Parkinson’s disease.

In our second year, our Dance Well teaching artists have modelled after the Italy Dance Well initiative and successfully established co-creation strategies and specialised teaching approaches for working effectively with people with Parkinson's. They have also honed their skills to adapt movement teaching in gallery and museum settings. Through this transformative journey, Dance Well dancers (participants of Dance Well classes) experience psychological and physical empowerment while fostering solidarity and community building.

About the Annual Sharing

The Annual Sharing represents a crucial opportunity for mutual exchange, learning, and gaining further insights into enhancing the lives of the Parkinson's population through the arts. The event will focus on collaborations and experiences, featuring sharing and discussions between professionals in arts, social welfare, and the medical field.

Join us at the Annual Sharing as we celebrate the transformative power of dance and explore ways to improve the lives of individuals with Parkinson's through artistic expression and community engagement. Together, we pave the way for a brighter future where dance serves as a catalyst for positive change!

Programme Details

Date / Time:
16.11.2023 (Thursday) 10:30 – 13:00

Dance Studio 1, 4/F, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Wan Chai)

Cantonese, English, Mandarin
*Simultaneous interpretation in English and Cantonese will be provided.

  • 10:30 – 10:40

    Opening Remarks

  • 10:40 – 11:00

    Dance Well and its Network

    Roberto Casarotto, Initiator, Dance Well & Co-director, Aerowaves

  • 11:00 – 11:20

    Dancing with Parkinson’s – A Global Perspective

    Sara Houston, Professor (Dance and Community Engagement), School of Arts, University of Roehampton

  • 11:20 – 11:40

    Benefits of Dance for Parkinson's – A Local Perspective

    Jake Ngo, Lecturer (Dance Science), School of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
    Heidi Yu, Lecturer (Dance Science), School of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

  • 11:40 – 12:00

    Panel Discussion 1: Dancing as Alternative to the Wellbeing in Parkinson’s

    1. Au Wing Chi Lisa, Specialist in Neurology
    2. Duncan Lam, Dance Well dancer
    3. Man Si I Mansi, Project Manager, Jockey Club Movin’ Care for Parkinson’s Disease Project - Community Co-care Service, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
    4. Connie Wong, External Vice President, Hong Kong Parkinson’s Disease Association & Dance Well dancer
    Moderator: Tin-ming Lau, Senior Manager (Dance), The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

  • 12:00 – 12:20

    Panel Discussion 2: Museum as a Wellbeing Hub

    1. Eugenia Law, Assistant Curator of Learning and Community, Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile
    2. Gigi Leung, Curator, Learning and Engagement, M+
    Moderator: Tin-ming Lau, Senior Manager (Dance), The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

  • 12:20 – 12:40

    Panel Discussion 3: Artistic Growth and the Community

    1. Frankie Ho, Dance Well Teaching Artist
    2. Yao Wei, Dance Well Teaching Artist
    3. Eddy Zee, Project Director, No Limits
    Moderator: Anna CY Chan, Dean, School of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

  • 12:40 – 12:45

    Closing Remarks

Keynotes speakers include Mr Roberto Casarotto, the initiator of Dance Well in Italy and Co-director of Aerowaves, and Prof Sara Houston, Professor of Dance and Community Engagement at the School of Arts, University of Roehampton. Drawing inspiration from the successful Dance Well initiative introduced by the Municipality of Bassano del Grappa, Italy, and the Centro per la Scena Contemporanea in 2013, Mr Casarotto will share their extensive experience in dancing with Parkinson's and their elaborate Dance Well network worldwide. Prof Houston will bring insights into the value of dancing for people living with Parkinson’s.

The sharing will also include themed panel discussions, inviting representatives from the arts, social welfare, and medical sectors to review current collaborations and the development of dance for social impact and sustainability in Hong Kong.